4 Suchergebnisse für: vinyl
Leila arrived at the medical building just five minutes before her 10:30 a.m. appointment and took the elevator to the tenth floor. Her new job required a complete physical, and she had decided to combine that with her annual checkup. Since her old schoolmate Maria worked in Doctor Hillock's office,...
Fortsetzung der Geschichte "Erika Behmkamp geht ihren Weg – Teil 2"
Zart umstreichten winzige Luftbläschen Erika Behmkamps nackte Haut, stoben, ein leichtes Kribbeln hinterlassend, der Wasseroberfläche entgegen. Elektrisierend zogen sie ihre Bahn über die feinen...
Leila's Picnic Weekend, Part 1
Leila woke up and looked at the clock by her bed. A few minutes past half-past nine. David was going to pick her up shortly. She thought back to Wednesday. She had gone with him to a strip bar. And David and Cyndi had stripped her naked. Stark naked, except for her...