Zur Schau gestellt (3)
Ralph, meanwhile, had been told by George Hamran that he would be allowed to
view his wife's punishment, as the sight was open to the public, but that he
wouldn't be allowed to touch her or aid her in any way. He might get close
enough to talk to her, but that would be all the contact allowed. Photography,
incidentally, would be forbidden. He suggested Ralph arrive at the location
shortly before noon, and provided him directions.
Ralph followed the instructions. At about 11:45, he arrived at a fenced
compound with an open gate, with a sign indicating this was the "Exhibition
Dock for Female Convicts". A large crowd was inside and at the gate, and a
guard was checking people through the gate, a few at a time. Ralph noted that
most of the crowd were male. From his place outside the gate, he could see
that the compound contained a small raised shelter, on which two figures
appeared to be standing, arms partially extended. He couldn't see them clearly
from his distance, but they appeared to be unclothed. The thought made him
Ralph waited his turn in line, and was shortly admitted after being quickly
frisked and warned about photography or attempts to touch the convicts. He
could try to talk to them, but only from a distance of several feet. As he
approached the platform, he recognized his wife as one of the two standing. In
a way, he thought, she was a sorry sight compared to her usual well-groomed
appearance. She was absolutely naked, standing with her arms chained in a
slightly outstretched posture and her shackled legs held about a foot apart.
Her shoulders and legs showed their usual tan from outdoor activity, but her
torso was almost white; he noted the contrast. Her whole body glistened from
sweat in the heat of ninety-plus degrees. With her arms raised, he could see
drops of perspiration in her armpits, and he recalled that she had been warned
not to use an antiperspirant. Her hair was a bit disheveled, but not badly.
Her unsupported breasts drooped a bit, and swung from side to!
side as she turned her body, but he noticed the nipples were erect. Her
patch of public hair stood out noticeably, in contrast to the well trimmed
patch of her companion convict. The hair did not hide her labia, slightly
open from her stance with legs apart, and just peeking through was the tip of
her obviously erect clitoris.
After a few minutes, Ralph managed to work his way to the front row facing
Nancy. He noticed that the biggest part of the crowd was drawn to the younger
woman, which made his approach easier. Nancy spotted him at once, and called
to him.
"Nancy!", Ralph returned, "this is unbelievable! I never suspected they would
do anything like this to you! What have you gone through? What can we do?"
"You don't know what I'm going through, and there's nothing you can do about
it- I just have to get through it, and it will be over quicker if I cooperate
with them. Believe me, I've learned that; but you don't know what they're
putting me through! And I've got three days of it; more if they think I'm
giving them trouble!"
"I can see what you're going through- stripped naked in front of this crowd!
So this is what they meant by 'being exhibited' - I never guessed.. Did they
strip you here?"
"No - not here - but it might just as well have been here. This morning, I had
to appear in a courtroom in my bra and panties; thank heaven, not like this!
Then I had to leave even them at the station and they drove us here. Ralph, you
don't know the half of it; the real torture they're giving us you can't even
see; but oboy, can I feel it!"
"What have they done to you? There was to be no permanent harm, and you
couldn't be beaten- "
"Ralph, listen to me! Before I left the station, they made me drink over half
a gallon of water. My stomach was sloshing around as I walked. They're going
to make me drink more every hour. And I'm not allowed to pee, except for about
a small glassful at the end of each hour. If I leak, they'll add two hours to
the time I'm standing here. That's what the white sand is for - so they can
tell if we cheat! You can't see it, but I've got one really full bladder
that I'm trying to control - it's already stretched so much it it's getting
painful! I'm trying, but I don't know if I can hold it, and if I don't, I'll
be here a lot longer!"
Shortly after twelve, Clarence appeared at the gate and made his way up to the
platform. He stood on the platform and approached Nancy. "Mrs. Johnson", he
began, "it's time for your drink and your allowed relief if you need it. But
first, I need to check you to be sure you are reaching the desired conditions.
Please hold still for a moment - I am not going to touch your private parts,
but I do need to feel the front of your abdomen to check your discomfort
level." With that remark, he placed his hand on her abdominal region, just
above her public hair, and pressed slightly. She grimaced visibly. "Please
don't push there" she said.
Clarence smiled. "I am required to check to see if the water is having the
proper effects. You feel nice and full. Are you? " Nancy's response was
quick and pained, "very, very full - and please don't press on it". Clarence
felt her abdominal region again, gently, and commented, "I expect it is painful
for you. It is supposed to be. It will probably do for now."
He moved to the other woman, and gave a similar check. Nancy could hear only
part of his discussion with her, but it was obvious that she was trying to
convince him she was in serious pain. He seemed satisfied, motioned to a an
attendant following him, but returned to Nancy.
"Mrs. Johnson, I realize you are feeling severe discomfort. But I must compare
it to what we have experienced with others and insure your treatment meets the
standards of painful corporal punishment. I just checked the other woman, as
you know. She is a smaller woman, and her bladder is smaller. But it is
harder than yours, and has expanded almost to her navel. It is no doubt
causing her more pain. Nevertheless, you are an older woman, and you may have
more difficulty in controlling an overdistended bladder, if it does expand up
to your navel. But I must compel you to try. Because of these conditions, I
am going to restrict your relief to a quarter pint right now, and also require
that you drink three glasses instead of two. In another hour, if you've
hardened adequately, I will allow you the normal relief."
Nancy was considerably taken aback, although she realized Clarence was doing
his job as politely as he could. She didn't think she could tolerate more
distention of her bladder, but clearly she was going to be forced to try. The
attendant approached, carrying three glasses of water and a straw. The straw
was held to her lips, and, reluctantly, she began to take in the liquid. It
seemed an eternity before she managed to empty all the glasses, while her lower
body squirmed in torture. She desperately wished she could at least put her
legs together to help her hold back, or had a free hand to clutch her lower
When she was finished drinking, the attendant approached Veronica with a
plastic container, obviously a half pint capacity. The crowd surged forward to
see her relieve herself, and Nancy dreaded the approaching moment when they
would be watching her attempt to perform this most personal act. The attendant
emptied the container, then approached Nancy with a container about half the
size. It looked to Nancy awfully small and would give her little relief at
all. He simply held it under her, while standing to one side so the crowd could
have an unobstructed view. "You can let go," he said, " I will tell you when
to stop. I warn you, it won't be much". She tried to relax her
sphincters, but it took a while before her body would cooperate. Finally a few
drops appeared, then rapidly becoming a strong stream of almost clear urine.
Almost immediately, the attendant cried, "Stop! Stop! That's all you are
allowed for now!". With a great effort she forced her muscles to clos!
e off the stream. It seemed to her that the process had afforded her not much
relief at all - her abdominal area still ached terribly.
She looked around for Ralph, but the movement of the crowd had carried him away
from her, and she was not certain if he was still in the compound. She gazed
at those who were now closely inspecting her, and who had just watched her
limited urination. There was a man therewith a small boy, perhaps eight or
nine, and she wondered that children were allowed to watch this spectacle.
Evidently the man was the boy's father, she gathered as she caught glimpses of
their conversation. From the words she picked up and the gestures she saw, she
gathered that the man had brought his son to give him a lesson in female
anatomy, with Nancy as the model. She figured out that they were discussing
her pubic hair, and the boy wanted to know why it wasn't turning grey, as was
the hair on her head. She had never really thought about grey pubic hair.
For a moment she was able to converse with the girl beside her, and learned
that she was being punished for petty theft - shoplifting. Also, she felt much
better after being allowed her half pint relief, and felt she could now go
another hour, although her bladder was far from empty and still very
uncomfortable. Nancy wished she could have had even that much relief. She
wondered at her ability to achieve the level of discomfort Clarence seemingly
It was hot. Sweat streamed from both of them. Nancy could smell the sweat
from her underarms and knew she wouldn't seem very nice to be close to. Her
arms were tired. Her midriff itched, and both legs had aching muscles. Her
breasts felt strange from lack of support and from quivering constantly with
every movement. At one point a fly sat on one nipple, and she was unable to
quickly dispatch it. A man in the crowd pointed to it with amusement. There
was at least an hour and a half to go. Nancy's discomfort was increasing as
the the pain in her bladder returned with greater severity. She clenched her
muscles to try to prevent even a drop of leakage.
Shortly before one o'clock, Clarence appeared again. This time he approached
the girl first, asked her a few questions, briefly touched her abdomen. He
moved to Nancy. Without a word, he placed his hand on her abdominal area, just
below the navel, and pressed. Nancy grimaced noticeably. He moved his hand
down to the border of her pubic hair and pressed again.
"Well", he said, "you're making progress. I bet you didn't know you could
stretch your insides that much. It's getting close to your navel. I'll allow
you your full half pint relief this time. If you make it through another hour
without a leak, you will be through for this day. Before we take you down,
though, if you make it, we'll let you empty your bladder into a pitcher. If we
don't get at least a quart out of you then, I'll have to increase your water
dosage tomorrow. My instructions are that a woman of your size, to achieve the
right pain level, should spend her second day holding at least a quart inside
her most of the time."
Clarence left after this rather distressing announcement. Ralph again was able
to approach Nancy, but not close enough to do much conversation. Besides,
Nancy really didn't feel like talking at that point. Everything hurt,
especially her very painful bladder, which she dared not release. She writhed
constantly, seeking some comfortable position, and none was to be found. She
tried desperately to bring her legs together, straining against the shackles.
She constantly twisted her upper body, causing her breasts to swing and bounce.
She was sweating profusely. Her arms were tired, more than tired, and her
muscles ached from their forced positions. Her armpits stank, and she was
aware of it. Her hair was a mess. Her feet itched. Flies and gnats sat on
her from time to time, attracted by her body odors and the sweat pouring out of
Her own torment had gotten so bad she had become oblivious to the plight of the
girl chained with her. Suddenly she turned, attracted by the sound of the girl
groaning audibly. She began saying, "please - please - I've got to pee, I
can't hold it any longer, I don't care what do to me, I just can't hold it" .
Seemingly she was expecting some response from the attendant, but all she got
was the attention of the crowd. Nancy turned to watch her, and, suddenly, a
long, powerful stream of liquid shot out from in front of her, which quickly
turned into spray at various angles dousing the front of the platform and even
some of the crowd in front of her. The stream continued, becoming a real
torrent, gradually soaking into the sand as she finally emptied herself. Other
than the gleeful expressions on men in the crowd, there seemed to be no
official response.
Nancy knew she was tempted to obtain release the same way. Her body hurt
terribly, and her distended bladder was extremely painful. As she looked at
the clock she knew had only twenty minutes to go. She remembered what Clarence
had said about having to hold at least a quart, and she really wondered how
much she could have in her. She had never thought of trying to measure her
bladder capacity, but she recalled reading that adults usually could hold 400 -
600 ml, which would be a bit over a pint. What would a quart feel like? She
hoped, indeed, that she was feeling it now. How could it be any worse?
She watched the clock almost half-consciously. Ralph was still around, now
watching his wife as she appeared in real agony. He wondered how many of the
men watching knew how the women were being tortured, and if they were aware of
the water they had to drink before being exhibited. He suspected some knew,
some did not. He moved to the side of the platform, and saw Nancy in profile.
For the first time, he noticed the significant bulge in her abdominal region,
the evidence of an overdistended bladder. He also noted how much more her
pubic hair extended out as compared to the younger woman, whose was obviously
trimmed. He noted the sweat pouring down his wife's sides and over her hips.
He wished he could somehow help her through this torture.
Finally the clock moved to the end of the hour, and Clarence immediately moved
to see the girl. He knew she had lost control, and told her she had two more
hours to serve. In addition, she would have to be exhibited again tomorrow as
her extra day. She was a bit irritated and incoherent, but he left her in her
position, as he motioned the attendant to bring her the required water. Nancy
continued to writhe and now was moaning slightly through clenched teeth. He
made her wait while the girl received her water. Then he had the attendant
bring a large calibrated pitcher which he held under Nancy's genitals. At this
point a crowd of watchers drew to the area in front of Nancy to watch the show.
He told Nancy, "you can let it all go, now!". Nancy hesitated not a second.
She begin to drip, then produced a forceful stream. She tried to remain still
while the blessed relief occurred.
Men watched, almost in awe. The force of her stream was great, and the color
almost clear, just a bit yellowish. The attendant continued to hold the
pitcher as it filled. Earlier, Nancy would have felt only humiliation at
having to urinate in public, but now she felt only relief. As the pain
subsided, though, she began to flush with embarrassment as she saw the many
people watching her bladder empty. It seemed to her the stream went on for
minutes, and then gradually it subsided.
Clarence watched as the attendant held up the pitcher. The contents came to
31.5 ounces, just half an ounce short of a quart. He pointed this out to
Nancy, still chained. "You're just a bit short, but awfully close. I'm sorry,
but tomorrow we will have to increase your water intake to force you to hold
a little more. But you're through for the day, which is more than I can say
for your companion. We'll take you down, now."
Nancy almost collapsed into the van, after was was released from her shackles.
While the other prisoner remained chained to the dock, she was driven back to
the police station. On arrival there, she was directed to a small room with a
barred door. The room contained a cot, a table, a toilet and sink. "You will
be here for the night. A meal will be brought to you later. You may wear
these, now". He handed her the plastic bag which contained her panties and
bra. "May I bathe? I really need a bath or shower - I'm so dirty! And I
really stink!" He shook his head. "You may wash yourself as you can in the
sink. We do not provide showers or baths. After your release, in two days,
you will leave and can clean up as you wish. Also, don't ask for a comb or any
other articles. Part of the discomfort you are required to endure is limited
bathing, and limited grooming. But you can sleep until morning. Now, tomorrow,
exhibition will be in the afternoon, starting at one o'cloc!
k You will be given a breakfast in the morning, and you will be allowed out
in the fenced yard for exercise for an hour. It is visible to the public
through the fence, and I can allow you no clothing other than the
undergarments you have. At least you will not be nude here. You will get no
lunch, tomorrow, though. About eleven we will start filling you with water,
and I have to do a better job of it than I did today. Look, I am really
sorry, for you seem to be a decent woman who has just got herself into an
unfortunate jam. But corporal punishment is what I am expected to do, and
that requires infliction of pain. I have to try and get your bladder
stretched more than it was today, to increase the pain level. You may not be
able to hold that much, and if you can't, then your time to be on the dock
will simply be increased. You really have a choice - either try to endure
more pain, or choose to relieve yourself when it's unendurable and be resigned
to spending a lo!
t more time chained there nude, in front of that crowd."
"I'll try to endure more, but I don't know if I can", Nancy said thoughtfully.
"But I have to try, because I simply can't take the exhibition business any
longer than I absolutely have to."
Nancy was exhausted. She was dirty, smelly, and her muscles ached. She tried
to clean herself up as best she could in a small sink and with a small bar of
soap. She tried to straighten out her hair with her hands. A fairly decent
meal was brought her, and she fell asleep, exhausted and aching.
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