Karen Naked in School (Part 2)


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Erstellungsdatum 27.10.2003

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"You've got a really nice nipple erection," another explained helpfully.
Mike nodded.

"I'm sorry," I said, blushing. "I have to get out of here!" I started rushing from the showers, intending to dash into the girl's bathroom as quickly as I could.

"What's the problem?" Mr. Roquette asked, coming into the shower from the pool.

"I have to go to the bathroom!" I explained hastily.

"She started to get aroused when we all came into the shower," one of the guys told him.

"Oh." Mr. Roquette caught my arm. "Stop, Karen. That's normal enough under the circumstances. Go finish your shower."

"But..." I began to protest, then stopped. What could I say? "Yes, sir," I said meekly, and went back to the shower I'd been using.

The guys were all watching me very closely now. "Keep your feet apart, Karen!" one guy suggested. "Jiggle your tits for us, please!" "Raise your hands above your head." I had to follow all of their suggestions about posing. As I did so, I kept thinking of what it would be like if I had to let them touch me however they wanted as well.

Finally, they had to get out of the shower and get dressed. I had to follow them into the locker room and towel off in front of them, but since I only had to put on my shoes and socks, I managed to get out of the locker room before most of them could do so.

I got to my biology class without seeing Harold, which was a relief. I took my seat on the stool in front of the class as I had the two days before, then shrugged and took off my shoes and socks and sat fully bare.

"Oh, how nice, you're being more cooperative today." Miss Hooker smiled as she closed the classroom door. "Did any of the boys in class try to be nice to you to see if they could interest you sexually?"

I blushed. "Um, yes, a couple of them tried."

"And how did you respond?" she asked as the class looked at me eagerly.

"I... haven't... had sex with anyone," I told her, flustered, as the class tittered.

"Not yet," she corrected me, smiling.

"Right." I blushed again.

"Are you more aroused, or less aroused, today than yesterday?" she asked.

"More," I admitted, gulping, thinking about the shower room.

"It's perfectly natural," she said reassuringly. "The sexual pressures on you are growing all the time." She smiled. "I'm sure the boys are all paying attention!"

She continued her discussion of reproductive issues through the class session, while I posed in front of the class and served as a display model for her comments.

Finally, we got to the end of the class. "Tomorrow's class should be interesting," Miss Hooker promised cheerfully. "See you all tomorrow!"

I put my socks and shoes on as the rest of the class filed past. Rick and Jeff waited outside the door for me.

"Can we join you for lunch?" Rick asked.

"That sounds very nice," I said, smiling, and we went to the cafeteria and ate. We each got a tray with our food, and sat down at an empty table.

As soon as we sat down, a couple of other guys tried to join us. "Could you leave us alone?" Jeff asked politely. "We're trying to give the poor girl a break so she can eat."

"I guess," one of the guys said. "Come on, Eddie."

"We just wanted a closer look at you," Eddie explained to me. "We don't have any classes together, and have only caught glimpses in the hallway. We didn't mean to bother you. Sorry!"

"It's all right. Thank you for being so considerate!" I said smiling at him.

They moved to the next table over, and both of them stared at me.

"I tried what you suggested, in the boy's shower," I told Jeff, blushing. "Once I started, I just could not stop! I got very horny and embarrassed. All the guys really loved teasing me about my nipple erection."

He grinned. "Think about us handling you all over," he suggested. "I'd like to see that, too!"
I stuck out my tongue at him, then giggled and continued eating.

"How about if you were covered with mashed potatoes all over, and a bunch of guys were eating them off you?" Rick teased.

I wrinkled up my nose. "Yecch!"

"If someone said they wanted to see you like that... do you think you'd have to do it?" he asked.

I blushed suddenly. "I hope not. Please don't try to find out!"
The guys both chuckled.

"Now will you think about us handling you all over so we can see your nipple erection?" Jeff asked. "After lunch, anyway?"

"What if I don't?" I asked.
Rick winked.

I sighed. "All right," I agreed reluctantly. "After lunch."

They both grinned cheerfully, and finished eating as quickly as they could. We disposed of our trays, then went outside into the courtyard.

"You can do it here," Jeff said.

"All right," I nodded, looking around. There were several other students in the courtyard. I sighed; I didn't imagine I'd be able to find a very private location.

The guys sat down on a bench, and I kicked off my shoes and socks, then stood in front of them. I blushed; I was bare naked. I looked boldly at their faces, then made myself smile, and moved my feet apart. I intertwined my fingers together behind my head, and thought about being so completely exposed in front of them. They could reach their hands out and fondle me, and I just had to let them do it. I blushed a little harder. They could slide their fingers inside my vagina, or rub my bare buttocks if they wanted to. I forced myself to look at their faces, and to smile at them. I felt very warm and aroused.

They were both grinning at me. "Wow, that's really wonderful!" Rick enthused.

Jeff grinned. "You look like you really want to do it!" he told me.
I nodded, blushing.

"Hi Karen!" someone said, and I gulped. It was Harold! He quickly snapped a few pictures of me like that, then dashed off, laughing.

I blushed harder, but couldn't do anything about it. Jeff started to get up, but I shook my head. "Let him go, there's nothing you can do, either." I gulped hard, watching him go.

It was time to get to class. I put my socks and shoes back on, and went back inside the school.
In English class, we had to write a poem for the first half of class. I wrote a little story poem about a girl who lost a bet and had to be a sex slave on weekends, and went from hating it the first weekend to to loving it by the end.

"Is everyone done writing their poem?" the teacher asked.

A few people shook their heads.

"How many people wrote something so embarrassing about sex that they don't want anyone to see it?" the teacher asked.

My hand went up, along with about half the class. Then several other hands went up; most of the class.

She smiled. "That's usually how it works with teenagers," she said. "The only thing on your minds is sex with other teenagers, but you don't want to talk about it with them."

The class laughed.

"Did any of you write your names on your poems? If you did, scribble them out or tear that part of the page off, please," she went on, then walked around collecting the papers from the students. Then she went back around the room, passing out the poems at random!

"Each of you will be reading aloud one of the poems written by another student," she told us cheerfully. "Karen, you can go first."

Each person had to stand in front of the class and read off someone's poem. Everyone else in the class looked around at the others, trying to figure out who wrote which poem.
I had to read one from a guy. Most of us got poems written by the opposite gender.
I stood in front of the class, and started reading the poem, which started out with noble-sounding love remarks.

Her lips are sweet,
she's beautiful
Her body soft but firm

Then suddenly got less comfortable for me:

She walks all naked everywhere
Her ass and nipples boldly bare
Her sexuality, she dares to flaunt
before those foul and fair

I stopped, blushing as I looked around at the class.

"Go on, Karen," the teacher told me firmly.

I swallowed and nodded.

Karen Wagner, blond and sweet
gives the guy's gym class a treat
naked from her head to feet
she showers till they are all clean.
She's timid but she's still aroused
with nipples firmly pushing out
With her sweet smile and open brows
I wish I had her in my house!

The class clapped and whistled, and I rushed back to my seat.
I sat and listened to the rest of the poems. Almost all of the ones written by guys were about me.

Finally, the class was over with, and I escaped into the hallway. I had just one more class to get through. It wasn't too bad; it was government class.

I went into the classroom early. Mr. Hansen smiled broadly as I came in and took my seat. There were still a few minutes until the start of the next period.

"You're looking nice today," he told me.

"T-thanks," I said, then forced a smile at him.

"I hope you don't mind if I stare a little," he said apologetically. "Teaching school doesn't prepare you for... for female students attending class in the nude."

I blushed a little. "No one prepared me for it, either," I told him, then gulped and decided to explain a little more to him. "Mr. Hansen... it's... it seems like everyone in the school has been staring at me all week! I have to let them do that. I'm not allowed to cover myself in any way, and I have to pose for anyone who asks me to. However they ask me to, Mr. Hansen." I blushed harder. "Also, I have to participate in class however I'm asked by a teacher."

"Really." He looked at me thoughtfully for a minute. "It's not easy to see how I could ask you to participate in a government class," he admitted. "Not off the top of my head, anyway. But if you think of anything, you may volunteer if you wish."

I was surprised he didn't leap at the opportunity to use me in his class. I smiled at him.

"Thanks... I will!"

The other students filed in. I spent the class session trying to distract Mr. Hansen by smiling at him, stretching when he was looking in my direction, and fingering myself between my legs. He stumbled a couple of times, but overall did a much better job of teaching.
Finally, it was the end of the school day! I rushed out of class and headed for the front door, very anxious to get my clothes on.

"Hay! Karen!" It was Harold.

I groaned a little, but then turned toward him and smiled. "Hi, Harold!"

"Hi Karen!" He looked at me, a little uncertainly. "You were going to pose with me after school, right?"

I blushed. "Harold... it's been an awfully long day... can't we just..."

His face fell. "You don't want to." He looked down, then away. "Oh, all right."

I sighed, relieved. "Thanks, Harold! I'm glad you understand!" I continued rushing toward the front of the school, then stopped and looked back. "Harold?"

"Yeah?" He looked at me.

"You can take pictures while I get dressed," I offered.

"Oh -- that's better than nothing. Thanks!" He smiled, following me. "Don't get dressed too fast, though, okay?"

"I'll try to do it slowly," I promised him.

I hurried outside the front door, and saw the other girls were already getting dressed.

"Miss Wagner?" It was the principal.

"Hi, Mr. Harrison!" I smiled at him.

"Harold there told me he planned to ask you to pose for him for a while after school. I see he's with you."

I nodded. "He's going to take a few more pictures while I get dressed. Please, can I have my clothes now?"

"Hmm. Well, now... he seemed to have something a little more extensive planned." Mr. Harrison picked up my clothes and looked them over, then looked at me without handing them to me. "Actually I told him I'd help him by opening the football field and gym and such, so he could take pictures in different settings. Wouldn't you be willing to cooperate for a while, Miss Wagner?"

I blushed hard. "I... uh..."

He smiled. "If you do just what he wants, I'm sure we can all be out of here in an hour. Then you can have your clothes back."

"Actually, Mr. Harrison, I wanted to get more pictures of her taking them off and wearing just part of them," Harold told him.

"I'm sure that will be just fine," he nodded. "Where would you like to start, Harold?"
I didn't get to object at all. Harold had his camera bag, and Mr. Harrison hung onto my clothes.

"Let's start at the football field," Harold said, smiling, and we walked over to it.

Harold had me stand right out on the field, and took several pictures, showing different angles of the field and of me. "Take off your shoes and socks," he directed, and took more pictures while I was fully bare. Then more pictures under the scoreboard, still fully bare, and then running around in the stands.

He had me get dressed, then made me slowly strip in the stands while he took more pictures. I had to do it again from two other places in the stands.

"Now let's do the same thing in the end zone," he suggested. "Then we'll be done."

I perked up quite a bit when he said that. I got dressed in the stands, then hurried down to the end zone to finish with the photo session. I tried to smile and be as cheerful as possible, and I cooperated as eagerly as I could with Harold's directions. He grinned as he took pictures of me sliding my pants down, and gaily tossing my bra in the air, and dancing around under the goal post, bare naked.

"All right, Karen, that's all," he said finally.

"It is? I can get dressed now?" He nodded.

I had scattered my clothes around the end zone. I darted to my underpants, and started to put them on, but then giggled and decided to gather up all my clothes before getting dressed.
Harold watched me, grinning. "So you don't really mind being naked all that much?" he remarked as I picked up my shirt.

I blushed. "It's pretty embarrassing," I told him. "Try having someone take your clothes away, and see!"

"But you're relaxed about it it now," he pointed out. "You still haven't put anything on."

"Oh!" I blushed again and finished picking up my clothes, then hurriedly put them on.
Harold grinned and walked back to the school. He offered me a ride home, but I declined; I didn't mind walking, I explained. I hugged him, though. There was no point in not being nice. I walked home smiling.


I got home just before dinner.

"Did you have an interesting day today, dear?" my mother asked me.

I nodded, blushing. "This boy took a camera, and I had to pose for him before school while I undressed," I told her. "Then the principal made me stay after school and pose naked for him on the football field!"

She smiled. "That sounds like good experience. Did you enjoy it?"

"Not much. It's awfully humiliating."

She put her arm around me. "I know, dear. But it'll be good for you. Try to understand that, and learn as much as you can from doing it."

"I'll try, Mom." I smiled at her.

"Dinner is in about 10 minutes," she told me.

"I just have to run upstairs for a minute," I called back to her.

I went up to my room, but Jimmy stopped me on the stairs. "I saw you after school," he told me. "At least I thought it was you, walking out toward the football field with no clothes on."
I blushed. I hadn't been ready for this; I hadn't decided how to deal with it with Jimmy.

"It was me," I admitted. "Jimmy... come on upstairs."

He followed me to my room, and I explained briefly about the week of nudity, and showed him the brochure the principal had given me.

He listened, then glanced at the brochure. "Some of the other kids in school told me, but it didn't sound very likely to me," he told me. "Making girls go through school bare naked? You being selected, and then actually doing it?"

"I didn't have much choice. I still don't," I told him.

He shrugged. "It's all right. I believe you." He grinned. "One of my teachers told two girls who were whispering to one another to come up to the front of the room and take off their shirts and pants. They both refused, and the teacher sent me to get the principal. He came right away, and he made the girls both strip to their underwear right in class! Boy were they embarrassed. It was fun!"

"Then what happened?" I prompted him.

"Oh, they got their clothes back after class," he told me.

"It doesn't sound like it was fun for them!" I flared.

He shrugged and grinned. "I didn't make them do it!"

"Dinner's ready!" Mom called.

We went downstairs, and sat down to eat.

"Are you going to be naked at home, or just in school?" he asked me curiously.

"I explained to him what was going on," I explained to Mom and Dad, blushing a little. Then I smiled at Jimmy. "I guess if I can do it all day in school, I can do it in the privacy of my own home!" I stood up and giggled a little, and took off my clothes, then sat down again to dinner.

"I guess the program at school is doing you some good," Dad smiled. "You're not so shy any more, Karen."

"I don't want to get too comfortable, since I know I'll have to face the school without my clothes again tomorrow," I sighed. "I'm going to do it as cheerfully and openly as I can, though!" I vowed.

"Good girl!" he beamed.

After we finished eating, I got dressed again. "I'll be back in a while, probably before dark," I told my parents, and they waved as I left.

I walked down the street, then turned down another, then turned again, waving and smiling to people I passed and cars that went past me.

I'd decided to do something daring and risky on my own. I told myself I was just looking for the right place. Finally I decided to go ahead and pick a place. I saw a dead-end street and decided that would be it.

There was no one outside, I saw, and felt relieved. I hurried down to the end of the street, and looked around, then swallowed and took off all my clothes. I started to put my shoes on again, but giggled and took off my socks instead. I'd really go naked!

I looked for a place to put my clothes. I needed to find something quickly, and wanted something that wasn't easily and safely accessible. I saw a pickup truck in a driveway, and tossed my clothes into the back of it, then ran until I got back to the cross street.

I turned right at the sidewalk, and nervously thought about how far I should go. 10 blocks? 5? I decided to add up the numbers of the address of the next house, and then add the result until I got a single digit number, and that's how many blocks I'd have to go before I could turn around. I looked up anxiously and saw the address: 609. 6+9=15; 1+5=6; I had to go 6 blocks.
Six blocks sounded like a lot, once I got to the first street. I shivered and turned around, and started hurrying back.

A car pulled up next to me and stopped! I blushed hard.


A guy got out from the driver's side. It was Jeff! Rick got out from the passenger's side. They were both grinning broadly.

"What are you doing?" Rick asked.

I took a deep, nervous breath. "Just... out walking."

"Where are your clothes?" Rick asked.

"I left them in the back of a pickup truck," I explained. "I'm going to get them back now."

"If they're still there. If the pickup truck is still there," Jeff pointed out.
I blushed. I hadn't thought of that!

"Would you like us to join you?" Rick asked.

"Um... okay," I nodded nervously.

They both walked along with me, back to the pickup truck. It was still there!

I sighed in relief, then smiled gratefully when Jeff got my clothes for me. The boys watched me put them on, and we walked back toward their car.

"Are you interested in doing something else while naked?" Rick asked me directly.

I swallowed. "I was trying to think of something interesting and fun that I could do," I admitted. "I thought of a few, but kept chickening out. I only tried to do the one that you... caught me doing, but I didn't finish that, either."

"But you're interested?" he said. "How about if we come up with something, then you have to do it?"

"Or you could come up with your own idea, but let us enforce you doing it," Jeff suggested.
I nodded slowly. "All... right. Let's see what kind of ideas we can come up with. I'll... do something."

"I think you should take your clothes off while we talk, to make it more interesting for all of us," Jeff suggested hopefully.

"Not here," I declined hastily, eyeing the street, then blushed. The guys were grinning. I'd committed to stripping bare while we came up with a daring idea for me to do.

"How about at the park?" Rick suggested, still grinning, and I nodded.
We walked down to the park a block away. There was a picnic table in a small grove of trees. I headed over to it, and the guys followed. I looked around nervously; there were other people in the park, but none in that area.

"There's nothing illegal about taking off your clothes," Jeff told me with a big grin on his face.

"I know!" I snapped, then sighed. "Sorry," I apologized.

The guys were still looking at me eagerly.

I looked around again, then removed my shoes and socks. I faced the guys and pulled my shirt over my head, then slid my pants down and off. I took off my bra, then removed my underpants, and stood naked in front of them.

Jeff picked them up. "We'll keep these for you until you're done with your next game," he said.

"All right," I agreed tensely. "What do you think I should do?"

"You could go for a walk until you're at least 6 blocks from your clothes," Jeff suggested.

"Like you were going to do before, but now you'd actually have to do it."

I blushed. "Okay, that's one idea. I guess it's kind of the default, if we don't come up with anything else."

"You could go streaking down Main Street," Rick suggested. "You'd thrill a lot of people!"

"How about if I thrill a few less people?" I hedged uncomfortably.

"What are you thinking of?" Jeff asked.

I looked out from behind the trees to the rest of the park. "I could run around the edge of the park, naked," I said, trembling nervously.

"You'll have to go all the way around," Rick said, grinning. "Or you don't get your clothes back."

I nodded.

"It's not even streaking. You wear shoes when streaking," Jeff said. "All right, if you do that, I'll agree to give you your clothes back." He chuckled. "Go ahead when you're ready, Karen!"
I gulped. I could have said I wanted shoes! But I was committed. I looked out at the park, and took a deep breath, then dashed out to the fence at the edge of the park and started running.
I'd picked the direction with less people, and didn't see anyone for the first 50 yards or so. I ran past the front entrance, where I saw a group of young teenagers; 13 and 14 year olds. They laughed and clapped as I went past, and followed behind me. I felt nervous, but soon realized they weren't bothering me, just following along to watch.

I continued along the fence. I couldn't run; there were roots and stones and branches, and it was painful to step on them or trip on them. I moved along as quickly as I could, though.
I hesitated before passing a middle-aged woman who was walking along the path, but the teenagers were still behind me. "Good evening!" she said, smiling cheerfully when she saw me. "Hi!" I said, blushing, and continued past.

A young married couple were pushing a stroller in the opposite direction from me. The guy stood and stared at me until his wife elbowed him, then they both moved to the side and I continued past them nervously. They didn't talk to me, which I didn't mind.

I walked past a few other people going in both directions along the path. A pair of older guys were polite. "Good evening, Miss," one of them said. "Nice time for a walk," the other added. "It's a pleasant night," I agreed, then hurriedly continued past them. A younger guy by himself whistled as I went past him. When I glanced back, I saw he had joined the teenagers and was following me. I blushed and continued on.

An elderly woman stopped me and called me a hussy. I blushed really hard then, and ran away from her. I looked back and saw her chiding the teenagers who were following me, but they ran past her, too, laughing and ignoring her.

I kept going around the park as quickly as I could. I had to go past the volleyball court, which had an active game being played. While I was going past, the side which saw me first stopped to gape, and I saw someone from the other side slam a ball over the net. It hit one of the players in the head!

"Are you okay?" I called out.

The guy staggered over to the side of the court and sat down. Another player went over to check him, then looked up at me and grinned. "He'll be fine. Want to fill in for him, baby?"

"Not now," I declined hastily, and continued along the path.

"Miss Wagner!" I looked ahead, then blushed hard again. It was Mr. Harrison, then principal!

He grinned broadly. "You're making very good progress, Miss Wagner!"

"Um..." I stared at him helplessly.

He looked me over. "Not even shoes. Are you enjoying yourself, Miss Wagner?"

"I guess.." I said, flustered. "I... I've got to go. Nice to see you, Mr. Harrison!" I hurried past him, and he chuckled, but didn't stop me.

Finally I got back to where Jeff and Rick were waiting with my clothes. "Let me have those!" I said desperately.

"Turn around and pose in front of your fans for a minute first," Rick told me. I tried to grab my clothes from him, but he held them away from me.

"Rick!" I protested.

"Just let them have a good look," Jeff advised me.

I blushed, but turned around to face the small crowd. I posed with my feet apart and my hands on my hips, then turned around all the way until I was facing them again.

They applauded. The guys were all grinning, and the girls were giggling.

"Now can I please get dressed?" I begged.

Rick chuckled and handed me my clothes, and I hurriedly got dressed. The teenagers went away, and I hurried away from the park, with Jeff and Rick following me.

"You did it!" Jeff told me, grinning, and gave me a big hug. "You walked all the way around the park, bare naked!"

Rick also gave me a big hug. "That took a lot of courage and guts," he told me seriously.

"Thanks." I was shivering, but managed to smile. "Thanks for... for being there, and making sure I actulaly had to finish." I took a deep breath, then finally giggled.

"Did you have a good time doing it?" Jeff asked, smiling broadly.

"I guess... now that it's done... it wasn't so bad," I allowed.

The guys drove me home, then walked up to the front of the house with me.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"About 8:30," Jeff said.

I nodded. "It's not as late as I thought." I looked around, then giggled. I was going to have to be naked in school the next day, anyway! "Wait just a minute, please," I said, looking at the guys from the porch, and undressed once again in front of them. I giggled again and came down the stairs, and gave them both big hugs and kisses. "Thanks for an exciting evening!" I told them.

"Thanks to you!" Rick exclaimed.

I turned and ran up the stairs, and went in the front door, leaving my clothes on the porch.

"Well, hello, Miss Exhibitionist!" my mother said, smiling at me.

"Hi, Mom!" I looked down at myself. "I decided to leave my clothes outside," I explained blushing.

"I see." She shrugged cheerfully. "I didn't expect it, but it's okay, of course."

"I'm going to answer the door and everything in the nude," I told her determinedly.

Just then Jimmy came into the living room, and grinned. "Hi, Sis!" Then he turned back around. "Hey, guys, come here!"

I stood in shock, blushing harder, as several guys came into the kitchen. They all chuckled and grinned.

"Karen, these are my friends," Jimmy introduced me, smiling broadly. "There's Jack, Don, Roger, Dave and Harry."

"H-hi," I managed nervously.

"Hi Karen!" "Nice to meet you!" "Glad to meet you!" They all answered at once, very boisterously.

"We're playing games in the living room. Want to join us?" Jimmy invited me.

"Um... I..." I nervously tried to come up with something else to do.

"Why don't you go ahead, dear?" Mom cut in. Jimmy's friends all enthusiastically chimed in.

"All... right," I gave in, and followed them into the living room.

"So what are you guys playing?" I asked. Jimmy's stack of games was in the corner.

"We were playing Risk," one of the boys said. "But maybe we can find something more interesting."

"Like what? Strip poker?" another boy said laughing.

"Twister would be fun," someone suggested. "Want to play Twister, Karen?"

"Let's just be nice," Jimmy objected, glaring at his friends. "She doesn't have to run around the house naked in front of you guys."

They all stopped talking, and looked at Jimmy nervously, then at me.

"T-thanks, Jimmy," I said after a minute, then looked around at the boys. "But don't get too mad at your friends. I guess I know as well as anyone, it's very different having a bare naked girl in the room with you. It's... unusual... being the girl, too! It's very embarrassing," I acknowledged, looking down at my bare body and blushing again. "But... that's one of the chances I'm taking, I guess."

"What would you like to do?" one of the boys asked.

I was surprised by the question. "I don't really have anything in mind," I said. "I expected to just hang around the house. I did tell Mom I'd answer the door in the nude if anyone comes by," I admitted. "I'm not going to put on any clothes until bedtime... well, not until time to go to school tomorrow, really," I said, smiling a little.

"What are you willing to do?" he asked.

"I'll play games and stuff with you guys," I said. "You can look at me all you want."

"Will you turn around so we can look at your butt?" a boy asked me.

I nodded and turned around, then wiggled my behind and giggled. "How's that?"

"How about if we use you as the prize; the winner gets to have you pose or do something similar?" someone suggested.

It was less humiliating than what I had to do in school. "Okay," I agreed.

They started a new Risk game. Each time one of them won a country, they got to make me do a different pose. I resolved to do each request as cheerfully as I could, and tried to be light-hearted as I posed standing in front of the boys with my legs wide apart and leaning backward while kneeling on the floor.

Jimmy got knocked out of the game by one of the guys. "Do you do anything special for bigger wins?" the boy asked me hopefully. He already had me standing and bending forward with my hands on the floor.

I straightened up, then came over and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "How's that?" I asked.

"That's great! My first kiss by a naked chick!" He beamed.

"Your first kiss by anyone!" "Except maybe his dog!" "Yeah, his Mom won't kiss him."
"Neither will yours."

They resumed the game, and I had to do a lot more poses, and give each of the guys a kiss. The overall winner pulled me against him and forced a longer kiss on me. I struggled a little at first, then relaxed and kissed him back.

It was almost 11:00. The boys had to go home. They each politely thanked me for playing along with their game.

I stepped outside the door and stood on the porch. "It was fun," I smiled. "I'll see you all again sometime, maybe!"

As they left, I picked up my clothes and took them inside. I picked out some new clothes for the next day and took them out, leaving them on the porch. I'd dress outside when I was ready to go to school. I went to bed, sleeping in the nude. I usually wore pajamas, but was resolved not to wear anything for a while.


In the morning, I got up and started to get out of bed. I remembered I was bare and started to wrap a blanket around myself, then laughed and stood up and stretched. I went right downstairs and into the kitchen.

My mother was there. She smiled when she saw me. "Keeping right at it?" she asked me.

"That's great, Karen!"

I nodded. "I don't get to wear anything until I've had breakfast and my shower," I told her.
I went to the bathroom and did my necessary things, then stepped out again. "Are you making breakfast?" I asked my mother.

"Sure, I thought I'd make pancakes if you'd like some," she nodded.

"Great. Thanks, that sounds great! I guess I'll go take my shower, then." I turned to go back into the bathroom. Just as I started to close the bathroom door, the doorbell rang. I waited, thinking she'd get it, but then it rang again.

I stepped back out of the bathroom and took a deep, nervous breath. Here was another chance to show how courageous I was. I went to the front door, put a smile on my face, and opened the door wide.

It was one of Jimmy's friends from last night. "Hi," he said, looking me over eagerly.

"Hi, uh..." I couldn't remember his name.

"Roger." He smiled a little nervously. "I just wanted to stop by and say 'Hi', Karen," he said.

"Would you like to come in?" I asked him. "You can join us for breakfast if you like!" I said as warmly and politely as I could manage.

"Sure, if it's all right!" He beamed.

"I'm about to go take a shower," I explained. "I'll be having breakfast before I get dressed, though," I told him, smiling a little.

"Can I watch you in the shower?" he asked eagerly.

I blushed. "Um... okay," I said reluctantly, but then giggled. 20 guys had been watching me shower after gym all week! "Come on, then," I said.

I had to leave the shower curtain open. I aimed the shower head so it wouldn't spray water all over the bathroom, then stepped in and faced him. I took a long shower in front of him, lathering myself in soap several times and then rinsing it off, then turned off the water and stepped out. He watched me towel off and dry my hair as well.

"Ready for breakfast now?" I asked him.

"Um... actually... I had better get going," he said, glancing at his watch. "But it sure was fun watching you take your shower!" He hurried out the door, and I sighed, a little relieved to have at least a little privacy.

Jimmy came in for breakfast.

"Your friend Roger was here earlier," I told him. "He watched me in the shower."

"He did?" Jimmy looked surprised, then shrugged.

"Was he a gentleman?" Mom asked.

"He was nice," I told her.

"Good," Jimmy said. "Then I don't have to break his arms." We all laughed.

I had to take off my clothes at school; I couldn't get out of that. Feeling very bold about it, I decided I'd do the best I could to be as adventurous, friendly and cheerful as I could.
After breakfast, I got dressed and walked to school, arriving early as I had the day before. I noticed it was a little cool that morning, in the mid-60s. But it was going to be a nice day.
There were a few students at the front door, and I could see others who would be arriving soon. I'd intended to just cheerfully, boldly strip, but I felt nervous as I looked at the people who were already there. A half dozen guys were eagerly, expectantly looking at me, and grinning. I blushed and took a couple of deep breaths, reminding myself of my intentions. I decided to jump right into a bold start.

"W-would any of you like to help me?" I asked timidly.

"Excuse me, did you say something?"

I blushed harder. They hadn't heard me! I realized I had an easy out. Then I took another quick breath. I didn't want to do it that way.

I spoke out more clearly and loudly. "Would you boys like to help me take off my clothes?"

They heard me clearly that time! They jostled one another and moved toward me. I stood still in front of them, and they waited.

"Go ahead," I invited them, forcing myself to smile. It was about a quarter to eight. Classes started at 8:05. "I'll let you do whatever you want until it's time to go to class."

A couple of them came over right away, and one of them experimentally rubbed his knuckles against my shirt. I blushed but forced another smile.

Someone behind me tugged my pants down to my ankles, then did the same with my underpants. I felt hands on my bare buttocks.

The guy who had brushed my chest grinned; he unbuttoned my shirt, then opened my bra. He studied my face as he began feeling my chest. I was blushing pretty hard. I didn't try to move, but looked away from him.

"Look right at me," he told me.

I looked back at him. He smiled.

Then I gasped; one of the guys behind me slid his finger in my vagina! I started to turn, but the guy in front of me held my nipples, and pinched them. "Look at me!" he insisted. I did so; it hurt when he pinched me! He grinned. "Keep looking at me. I like to watch your expressions," he said.

"Here, let me slide my fingers in there for a minute," someone behind me said, and one finger slid out of my vagina, but another slid in. I gasped again, but kept my eyes nervously on the guy in front of me. Then I jumped; someone was pushing their finger up my behind!

"No! Stop that!" I protested, trying to turn around. The guy in front of me grabbed my nipples again and pinched them hard. "Are you going to remember to look at me?" he demanded.

"I'll try!" I said, gulping.

"I thought you said we could do what we wanted with you?" a guy in back of me said.

"You... can!" I said, gasping.

"Would you lean forward a little, please?" he asked cheerfully.

I did so slowly and reluctantly, but tried to keep my eyes on the guy in front of me. I smiled at him, and he chuckled. "You like this, don't you?"

Just then the bell rang. I felt immensely relieved as the guys behind me yanked their fingers out of my behind and my vagina. The guys behind me pulled my shirt off, and my bra. I smiled at them and bent over to untie my shoes. I got goosed while I did that, and I squealed and straightened nervously, then smiled again. I kicked my shoes off and stepped out of my pants and underpants. The guys grabbed at me for a final feel, then cooperated in picking me up. They took my socks off.

"Hey, I was going to wear those!" I protested, trying to be good-natured about it. "Let me down, please, so I can get my shoes back on, okay?"

They let me down, and I hurriedly got my socks and shoes back on. I didn't see my clothes; I assumed the guys had put them in the box. I hurried to algebra class and got to my seat just as the final bell rang.

It was still awfully embarrassing to be the only student in the class who was not wearing any clothes, but I was determined to enjoy it more than I had the first three days, and also to do more than just try to live through the day. When the algebra teacher, Mr. Dennison, asked for volunteers to solve problems on the board, I raised my hand and boldly went to the board to give it a try. When I finished and returned to my seat, the class cheered.

"We don't see that kind of reaction too often," Mr. Dennison remarked, and the class laughed.
After class, a boy stopped me in the hallway. "I saw the guys outside this morning who got to feel your body," he began. "I just wondered..."

I blushed, then made myself smile at him. I'd resolved to be as friendly as possible... "You want to do it some? Okay, go ahead!"

He looked surprised, but reached for my chest and fingered my nipples. "That feels good!" I said, as brightly and eagerly as I could. I giggled and put my hands behind my head, letting him stroke me for a minute or two. Other students moved past us, grinning and chuckling; a couple of them patted my fanny.

"I guess we'd better get to class," he said reluctantly. "Thanks, Karen!"

"You're welcome," I called after him, then hurried to history class. I was a couple of minutes late, so I stepped into the classroom quietly, intending to go to my seat in the back corner.

"What the hell is this!" Our regular teacher wasn't there. The substitute was a young man. He stepped right over to the door and grabbed me by the arm.

I blushed hard. "I'm sorry I'm late," I started.

"That's not what I mean. It's not all of what I mean, anyway." He glared at me.

"She's supposed to be naked," one of the boys contributed.

"What? Why? In school?" the teacher demanded.

"It wasn't my idea," I told him. "Please let go of my arm."

He hesitated a minute, then let go.

The whole class was chiming in now, until he blared out a commanding, "QUIET!" The class stopped talking immediately, and he turned to me. "Now please explain this, briefly but clearly."

"I was met at the door of the school by the principal on Monday," I explained, "and ordered to take off my clothes. I was informed I'd have to attend school in the nude this whole week. I was given a brochure after I complied, explaining that it's part of a new state law, and a local school policy. There are several other girls who have had to do the same thing; you will probably see them around school today."

"I... see." He looked at me and thought for a minute. "I guess you can take your seat, in that case. I apologize if I embarrassed you."

"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you," I said back, sincerely, then went to sit down.

Then it turned out, him being a substitute, he didn't have much to teach for the day. We wound up putting our chairs in a circle for informal discussion. That was supposed to be about history, but all the guys in the class were clearly eying me, and the substitute was, too. After several attempts to divert everyone's attention back to history, he shrugged and looked sheepish.

"It's clear that everyone has more questions about you than about history, Karen. Let me start." He smiled. "How does it feel to be met at the door of the school and told you have to attend in the nude?"

I blushed. "It was quite a surprise," I explained. "I had no idea the school could have such a requirement."

"How about when you had to take off your clothes?"

"I had to do that in the principal's office," I told him. "There were several teachers standing around, and a crowd looking in the window. They gave me just two minutes to strip bare! Then they let me have my shoes and socks back, and sent me to my classes."

"How have the other students been?" he asked me.

"They've been nice for the most part," I said, looking around at the rest of the class. "I guess it's very much a thrill for the guys." Several of them chuckled and nodded in agreement, and I blushed a little more. "I think most of the girls are glad it's not them, and a few find it distracting, annoying or even boring." The girls all giggled.

"I wonder how they'll handle it if they have to go through it themselves," the substitute mused, smiling.

"I'd love to find out!" one of the boys contributed, and the rest of the guys laughed. So did some of the girls.

"Are there any things you've experienced that would be unexpected by the rest of us?" the substitute asked me after the laughter died down.

"I'm not sure. Well... when you sit down on a chair, it can be cold."

Some of the boys were raising their hands. The sub called on one of them.

"What was the hardest garment to take off?" he asked.

"My bra," I told him. "I took off my shirt first, but it really hit me, what I was doing, when I had to take off my bra."

"Is it still hard to undress at the school?" he asked.

I nodded. "Not as hard as it was the first time, but it's still awfully hard!"

"What private part of yourself do you like to show off the least and the best?" another guy asked me. "Your tits, your ass or your pussy?"

I blushed. "I guess... my behind is the easiest. The other two are both extremely difficult to expose."

"Which is your best feature?" one of the girls asked, giggling.

"I think... guys seem to like looking at my chest the most," I said uneasily.

Finally the class period was done. I was relieved to not be answering those personal questions any longer, but I had to go out into the hall and face the entire school. I blushed at first, then took a breath and remembered to smile at the guys. I had a brief, naughty thought to jiggle at them, and tried to quickly put it out of my mind as being too embarrassing. Then I remembered the goal I'd set for myself for the day.

I took a breath, then started jiggling my chest a little, looking into the eyes of some of the guys and smiling. I started moving my feet a little and jiggling my fanny as well. One guy started humming a fast paced dancing song, and then several others joined in; I danced to their music for a few minutes, smiling warmly and invitingly to the guys who were grinning at me.

"I have to get to class!" I said after a few minutes, and waved, then hurried down the hallway toward the gym.

Thr principal stopped me in the hallway. "Miss Wagner?" he said.

"Yes, Mr. Harrison?" I stopped and faced him, then smiled a little and set my feet apart. "I'm just heading to gym class, but I guess there's no hurry; it doesn't take me long to get ready for it!" I giggled a little.

He chuckled. "You seem to be getting more comfortable with your situation," he noted.

"Oh. Sure." I looked down at myself and nodded. "It's really kind of fun in a way to attend school with no clothes," I admitted to him brightly, trying to be as cheerful as possible. "It's completely different from anything I'd ever have done, or even thought of. It's been embarrassing, but it's also exciting!"

"Good!" He looked me over slowly, and I posed in front of him. "How are the other students treating you?"

"Pretty nicely," I told him. "I let some of them help me undress this morning," I said. "I occasionally get patted or grabbed at in the hallway."

"You don't have to let anyone do that to you," he told me, looking a little concerned.
I blushed a little. "Oh... it's all right. It adds some more excitement to the day."

"Well, I just wanted to find out how you're doing." He smiled at me. "You can go on to your class now."

"I had one question..." I blushed again. "You mentioned a spanking on Monday..."

"Oh, I was just teasing you, Miss Wagner," he said a little hastily. "You haven't done anything to merit that."

"That's good." I looked down, then timidly looked back up. "Actually, I was thinking... a nice firm spanking on my bare buttocks would be kind of... kind of nice," I admitted, blushing hard.

He chuckled. "You'd better get to class."

I hurried into the boy's locker room. No one else was in there, so I ran out to the gym.

"There you are." Mr. Roquette had just finished taking attendance.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I was talking to the principal in the hallway."

"All right, but please make an effort to be on time in the future." He nodded, and I joined the rest of the class.

"Were you giving him a blow job?" a girl whispered, giggling.

"No!" I blushed.

"Are you going to?" a guy asked.

"No!" I protested.

"Will you give me one?" "How about me?" "I'd like one!" "Me, too!" "Have you ever given anyone a blow job?" "Did you like it?"

"If I can have your attention!" Mr. Roquette snapped, and I was relieved that the barrage of questions stopped.

"It's rainy outside, so we're going to do some inside work today," he said. He split us into three groups, with 5 guys and 5 girls in each.

My group started out playing volleyball. The entire group grinned at me as I put my kneepads on. "Now you're really dressed for giving blow jobs!" Mike said.

I was normally a pretty good volleyball player, but found it's a different game in the nude. The guys were playing as much to get me down on my knees as to win points.
Pretty soon, the guys on my team were playing along and had me sliding all over the floor on my knees after volleyballs.

"You're using good form," Mr. Roquette told me after watching us play for a minute or two.

"You get good stability from having your knees wide apart, and you're angling yourself toward the net pretty well, too. Good job!"

"We're keeping a close eye on her form," one of the guys said, grinning.

"And what have you learned?" Mr. Roquette asked.

"She has nice tits," the guy said promptly.

Mr. Roquette smiled briefly, then blew his whistle. "Time to rotate," he called out. My group played basketball next. I got patted on the fanny a couple of times in lieu of guarding me from dribbling. I'm not a good basketball player anyway, so didn't need much guarding. Also, I was following Mr. Roquette's instructions and stretching my arms as high as I could to block a guy from shooting. He stopped dribbling and just looked at me for a minute, then grinned. "Great chest, Blondie!" he said as he passed the ball. I blushed, but nevertheless had to do the same thing the next time he had the ball.

The 3rd inside activity was badminton. We had just changed to the 3rd activity when Mr. Roquette noticed it was close to the end of the class period. "Sorry, everyone, but we have to go hit the showers," he announced.

I went into the guy's locker room once again, left my shoes and socks, and headed to the showers.

"Are you going to think about being felt up again today?" one of the guys asked me, as a group of them entered the shower.

I blushed.

"Move your feet wide apart, Karen!" another guy suggested.

I did so nervously, and desperately tried to think about something else, but my mind kept returning to that thought. I blushed even harder, imagining the guys fingering me between the legs while I posed in front of them.

"Are you getting horny?" a boy asked. "Tell the truth, now!"

I nodded nervously, and they all grinned and laughed.

"Put your hands up over your head," another guy said, and I did so.

"Anyone could see you're horny, the way you're blushing and your nipples are erect." He chuckled, and I looked down. My nipples were pushing right out. I couldn't help it!

"What made you get so aroused?" another guy asked.

"I don't know," I said timidly.

"Yes, you do," he insisted.

"I, uh, I was..." I took a deep breath. "Someone suggested I think about being felt by all you guys while taking a shower with you," I admitted. "I started thinking about that."

"Want us to help you shower?" a guy with a big, hard erection asked.

I blushed again, then took another deep breath. "I'd love it if you did!" I said daringly, and they didn't wait for any confirmation. They surrounded me, applying soap, rubbing their hands over every part of my body, and rubbing their stiff cocks against my buttocks.
Suddenly the water turned really cold. I yelped, but the guys were moaning. Mr. Roquette was standing by the control for the water. "Everyone under the water, right now," he called out commandingly. "You guys need a little cooling off. Not you, Karen."

I stepped back, but each of the boys was required to stand in the cold shower for a couple of minutes.

"There, that should do it," he said.

I giggled; their cocks were harder than ever, and purple. Mr. Roquette shut off the water, but didn't dismiss the boys; they stood shivering in the shower room.

"Now, what was going on?" he demanded. "Don't you think it's difficult enough for her to have to attend school naked, without being molested in the locker room?"

"She was... doing it... willingly," one of the boys protested, shivering. "She said she was horny!"

"Is that true?" he asked me.

I blushed and nodded.

"How was I supposed to know that?" He glared at me, then at the boys. "Well, go get dressed. You have to get to your next classes!"

"Can you turn the water on again so I can finish my shower?" I asked Mr. Roquette. I was still covered with soap.

He turned the water on, then watched me finish my shower. A couple of the guys were still watching, too. "Well, go get dressed!" he told them. You have to get to your next classes!"

I toweled off in the locker room, then put my shoes and socks back on and without further incident, I went to my biology class.

There was a long table at one side of the classroom, with a variety of plastic, rubber and leather objects on it. Several students were looking it over and nudging one another amusedly. I didn't take a closer look; I took off my shoes and socks and left them in the corner, and sat uncomfortably on the stool in front of the class.

Miss Hooker came in as the bell rang, and carefully closed the door. She turned and faced the class, seeming a little nervous. "I promised you all an interesting class today," she began.

"Is it that you're not wearing a bra, Miss Hooker?" a boy called out, and the class tittered.

"Nice observation," she retorted, blushing a little but smiling. "No, today and tomorrow we'll be talking about further practical aspects of sex, continuing our discussion from the rest of this week. You all may have noticed the paraphernalia on the display table. It's a collection I've brought in to familiarize you with some of the variations people enjoy in their sexual behavior." She stepped over to the table. "We have handcuffs, whips, dildos, butt plugs, nipple clamps, cock rings, collars, harnesses, and condoms." She held up each item as she mentioned it.

She stepped to the middle of the room and blushed. "Now comes the interesting part," she said. She started taking her shirt off, and continued until she was as bare as I was! "I'll be teaching this class in the nude," she explained awkwardly.

The boys all stood and cheered. Miss Hooker stood facing them for a couple of minutes.

"All right, that will do," she said. "Let's move on." The guys sat down, and she stepped over to the table.

"Obviously most of the objects on this table are meant to be used by men, and placed on women," she said. "Some of them can be used by or on either gender, but most commonly in American sexual relations, men do the dominating and women are sexually submissive. There's always a lot of variation, so you should keep that in mind as well.

"Today we're going to demonstrate these devices for you. Tomorrow we'll do some practical exercises. Karen, come over here, please."

I gulped and blushed. "Y-yes, Miss Wagner," I said meekly.

She smiled at me. "Face the class." She also faced the class. "Many of our devices are meant for restraint, placing the user of the device in control of the situation. This is often a thrill for both the guy and the girl." The class tittered.

She picked up a collar. "This is a basic collar," she said. "It's not too useful by itself, except for a somewhat demeaning appearance." She slipped it around my neck and adjusted it so it was firmly against my throat. "However, note it has a couple of rings on it, to which things can be attached. Also, it is nearly impossible for the wearer to remove it himself or herself. Go ahead and try, please, Karen."

I did, and she was right.

"Try hard," she urged me, smiling. "You could be wearing it until the end of the day."

I blushed hard and continued to try to get it off, but was not able to do so.

"That's all right. We won't really leave it on you after class," she told me. "As a matter of fact, we'll take it off now." She did. "There are other collars as well," she said. "The choke chain, which leaves visible marks if tightened too much." She held one up but didn't put it on me.

"The spiked collar." She didn't put that on me, either. "Also, there are harnesses, which are more extensive than just a collar." She showed the class a few of them.

"Then there's the lace-up collar." It was a leather collar with leather laces to hold it together, and rings set in it like the first collar she'd put on me. She slipped it over my head. "It can be left loose," she demonstrated, sliding her fingers under it, "or tightened if desired." She tugged on the laces, and tightened it around my throat. "It can be tightened to be snug, or even tighter if you like." She tugged it tighter, making it a little difficult to breathe. I couldn't swallow, either. "This one is totally impossible for the wearer to remove," she said calmly.

I was gasping, and felt panicky. "Please..." I begged.

"You'll be all right for a minute," Miss Hooker told me. "She'd do about anything at this point, though," she pointed out to the class. "After all, one can always tighten it even more."
I shook my head anxiously.

"You'll want to be really cooperative, then," she told me, smiling. "Right?"
I nodded hastily.

"If she wasn't, it's always possible to change her mind by tightening the collar a little. Guys, if your girlfriend doesn't want your cock in her mouth, or doesn't want to swallow, well... she will!" She grinned. "Girls, it's a thrill to both the guy and the girl, too, to turn over control to him."

She loosened the collar a little, and I took several deep breaths. She continued talking.

"There are several accessories for collars," she told the class. "Let's take a look at some of those." She picked up a leash. "This is simply a leash. You attach it to the collar, and use it the same as you would for a dog." She attached it to my collar, and then led me around the front of the room. "Nothing amazing there, huh?" She unhooked it and picked up a pair of handcuffs. "You can always handcuff someone's hands in front or behind them," she told the class. "But in conjunction with a collar, you can keep someone's hands within a few inches of their neck. Hold out your hands, Karen." I reluctantly did so, and she put my hands in the handcuffs, then hooked them to my collar. "This gives full access to the person's entire body, and can be useful for applying punishment, for making sure you can touch the person as you want to, or just confining the person. It's hard to open doors like that, for example." She smiled and unlocked the handcuffs.

"There are other such accessories. We're not going to demonstrate all of them." She held up some things. "This is a leg iron; you can use it along with a collar to force the wearer to not stand straight up. It clamps around the wearer's legs, then can be attached with this chain to the collar. This, handcuffs and a collar can be used all together or in any combination."
A boy raised his hand. "Couldn't you use multiples of any of those, as well, to connect two people together?"

"Very good," she nodded. "Yes, you could." She smiled. "There are other things as well, of course. I'll go over them briefly. There are hooks and rings, used to attach the wearer of a collar or handcuffs to a wall or other object, straps which can be used instead of a collar or handcuffs to restrain someone in place, or in a particular position." She held up several different examples of these items.

"Here's a different kind of accessory for a collar," she went on. "The ones I've shown you so far have been just restraints, but other items are possible. Karen, put your hands behind your back, please."

I did, and she placed handcuffs on my wrists. "Those will just help our demonstration a little," she explained to me. "Some types of restraints are a punishment themselves. For example..." She picked up a pair of alligator clips on a wire. She ran one end through a loop on my collar, then put a clip on one of my nipples.

"Ow!" I cried out in protest.

She smiled at me. The class chuckled. "Stay still, please," she said, and tugged on the wire, putting the other clip on my other nipple.

Both of my breasts were held up by the nipples. It really hurt. "Take it off!" I pleaded desperately.

She smiled at me, then looked at the class. "There's nothing at all she can do to get those clips off, except convince someone to help her." She removed them, and I gasped; it hurt again when she opened the clips. "Of course, you don't really need a collar to use that; you can run a light chain behind the neck and have clips attached to that. There's a lot of flexibility in how you use sex toys." She removed my handcuffs while she talked, then also removed the collar.
"Bondage is a part of the Discipline variant of sex," she continued. "Another component of Discipline is Sadism and Masochism, also known as S&M. Generally speaking, Discipline is taking and enforcing control of another person for the purpose of sex. Bondage is limiting their movement. S&M is infl


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AnnabellaX schrieb am 28.10.2024 um 14:02 Uhr

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