37 Suchergebnisse für: sweet
Hello Shylove:Yeah man, unfortunately there's no way to post you personally so my thoughts may be shown here: she's not only a stunner but much more the most adorable nudist girl in the world imho. The arousing contrast between her still small tiny but nontheless sweet milk baglets i'd like to grope...
Wir saßen nebeneinander auf dem Sofa, aßen Paprikachips und tranken Cointreau, diesen leckeren französischen Mirabellenlikör.
„Was ist das mit dem Richter?“, fragte ich.
„Wir lieben uns“.
„Julia hör doch auf, Du bist eine Nutte....
Leila had spent the morning cleaning her apartment. It was now nearly two weeks since she had first met David. She could hardly believe that she remembered the day she now thought of as "naked Friday" almost fondly. She still blushed occasionally when she thought of the six hours she had spent...
Leila arrived at the medical building just five minutes before her 10:30 a.m. appointment and took the elevator to the tenth floor. Her new job required a complete physical, and she had decided to combine that with her annual checkup. Since her old schoolmate Maria worked in Doctor Hillock's office,...
"You've got a really nice nipple erection," another explained helpfully.
Mike nodded.
"I'm sorry," I said, blushing. "I have to get out of here!" I started rushing from the showers, intending to dash into the girl's bathroom as quickly as I could.
"What's the problem?" Mr. Roquette asked, coming...
Leila's Picnic Weekend, Part 1
Leila woke up and looked at the clock by her bed. A few minutes past half-past nine. David was going to pick her up shortly. She thought back to Wednesday. She had gone with him to a strip bar. And David and Cyndi had stripped her naked. Stark naked, except for her...
Der erste Teil der Geschichte kann hier nachgelesen werden.
Die anderen Schwimmerinnen packten die nackte Merle an den Armen und zogen sie aus dem Wasser. Sie umrangen ihren Körper, umarmten sie, hörten nicht auf vor Freude zu kreischen. Diese Zeit war eine Sensation. Dann langsam flaute...
15 x 4.3
An– und Ausgezogen
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Das Essen war gut. Mexikanisch, erträglich scharf, von Sarah frisch gewärmt und gekonnt angerichtet ... sie hatte ihm nicht verschwiegen, dass es kurz vor seiner Ankunft fertig geliefert worden war.
Doch Klaus merkte kaum, was er aß. Mechanisch schob er sich Bissen um Bissen...
Die Frau des Arztes!
Kapitel III
Danse macabre
Er griff nach mir, doch ich schob seine Hand weg.
„Nein, Du warst so lieb, Dich mit mir zu treffen, lass es mich machen für Dich“.
Patrick antwortete nicht, schloss nur seine Augen.
Meine Hand arbeitete sanft,...