Sommer im Büro
Ich arbeite zusammen mit Helga, einer 46-jährigen Sekretärin in einem kleinen Großhandelsbüro in meinem ersten Jahr als fertige Kauffrau. Diese Büro liegt im Souterrain des Hauses unseres Chefs. Er ist Anfang 50. Seine Frau Karin hilft manchmal hier unten bei uns aus.
Die Mittagspause...
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. After all, she would be with friends. It would be nice to catch up on things. She could sit demurely in the corner of Charlene's old couch with her legs crossed. They wouldn't see much once she sat down. It would be almost like wearing a bikini, weird enough though...
In a small house in the middle of this former factory town, there was not a sound on this dark December morning except for the soft buzz of the fluorescent light in the upstairs bathroom. Behind the closed door, there was a naked 18-year-old college freshman, home for Christmas break, looking at herself...
much fun?" Jack pushed me through the house, back to the living room.
"It was just a joke!" I protested. "I've been so embarrassed and scared... I thought it would be funny to see someone else feel that way for a change!" I looked around at the guys. They looked pretty upset. "I'm... sorry!"
Generally speaking, Discipline is taking and enforcing control of another person for the purpose of sex. Bondage is limiting their movement. S&M is inflicting pain and accepting the inflicting of pain for sexual purposes."
She smiled. "The collar Karen was wearing is an example of both a bondage and...
"You've got a really nice nipple erection," another explained helpfully.
Mike nodded.
"I'm sorry," I said, blushing. "I have to get out of here!" I started rushing from the showers, intending to dash into the girl's bathroom as quickly as I could.
"What's the problem?" Mr. Roquette asked, coming...
Leila's Picnic Weekend, Part 1
Leila woke up and looked at the clock by her bed. A few minutes past half-past nine. David was going to pick her up shortly. She thought back to Wednesday. She had gone with him to a strip bar. And David and Cyndi had stripped her naked. Stark naked, except for her...
Leila had spent the morning cleaning her apartment. It was now nearly two weeks since she had first met David. She could hardly believe that she remembered the day she now thought of as "naked Friday" almost fondly. She still blushed occasionally when she thought of the six hours she had spent...
Ein wenig nervös waren wir ja schon. Während bisher in unserem Kreiswehrersatzamt immer nur Wehrpflichtige auf ihre Tauglichkeit für die Bundeswehr untersucht wurden, hatten wir gestern das erste Mal drei junge Frauen, die sich freiwillig beworben hatten und die jetzt natürlich auch gemustert werden...
"Herr Dr. Kampmann, Frau Söllner wäre jetzt da für Sie.", kam es aus der Sprechanlage. Kampmann, ein vielbeschäftigter Unternehmer in den Vierzigern, antwortete seiner Sekräterin : "Schicken sie sie rein!"
Es klopfte und herein kam Frau Söllner. Eine attraktive, großgewachsene Blondine, Ende 20 mit...
Nachdem ich von Anna in eine Falle gelockt worden war, in der ich mich auf eine für mich zunächst fürchterliche Weise hatte zur Schau stellen müssen, begann ich nachzudenken. Mir war bewusst geworden, dass ich meine Rolle als unfreiwilliges Aktmodell trotz aller Peinlichkeiten auf gewisse Weise doch...